- 客户端需要支持多个节点(每个节点所属集群不同)的添加、删除操作
- 支持设置默认节点操作用于自动登录功能
- 添加节点的时候要进行ping逻辑判断目标节点是否可用
- 调用存储集群ID获取接口保证每个集群只有一个节点被添加到集群管理列表

- 支持已登录过客户端的用户自动下拉提示
- 支持已记住密码的用户自动填充密码到输入框
- 如果设置了默认节点,且默认节点的当前用户密码已经记住,则启动客户端时自动执行登录,类似QQ登录面板

- windows资源管理器原生功能一样,将远程主机的smb共享挂载为本地的一个磁盘,方便用户使用windows资源管理器直接对文件和目录进行操作
- 选择挂载设备时需要弹出所有空闲的磁盘盘符,支持范围C-Z
需求分析:同windows资源管理器原生功能一样,将远程主机的smb共享挂载为本地的一个磁盘,方便用户使用windows资源管理器直接对文件和目录进行操作,所有挂载信息包括空闲盘符、共享挂载状态 均需要使用windows cmd命令即时获取以防数据不一致的情况。

- 文件上传管理能够查看当前任务列表的任务详情,包含上传速度、上传时间、完成时间、文件大小、文件名称,勾选进行中的任务后能够进行暂停、重传、删除、续传等操作。
- 在任务列表的所有文件都被上传后会进行一次历史任务同步,把内存中的任务列表状态写入文件中。
- 任务历史记录中可以进行删除任务记录、恢复上传错误的历史任务(重传)等操作。
- 切换不同节点重新登录用户上传任务不受影响,在当前节点重新登录用户上传任务会被强制终止,退出客户端后上传任务会被强制终止,各个用户的上传任务列表均不相同互不干扰,所有被强制终止的任务都能从历史任务列表中中恢复。


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| const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const { app } = require('electron');
const lang = (function lang() { const defaultLang = 'zh_CN';
const getLANG = (acceptLang) => { if (['en-US', 'en', 'en-us', 'en_us', 'en_US'].indexOf(acceptLang) !== -1) { return 'en_us'; } if (['zh-CN', 'zh', 'zh-cn', 'zh_cn', 'zh_CN'].indexOf(acceptLang) !== -1) { return 'zh_cn'; } if (['zh-TW', 'zh-tw', 'zh_tw', 'zh_TW'].indexOf(acceptLang) !== -1) { return 'zh_tw'; } return 'zh_cn'; };
const setLang = (langEnv) => { global.lang = global.lang ? global.lang : {}; global.LANG = langEnv;
fs.readdir(path.join(app.getAppPath(), 'app/lang', langEnv), (err, files) => { if (err) { console.error(err); return; } files.forEach((file) => { global.lang[path.basename(file)] = require(path.join(app.getAppPath(), 'app/lang', langEnv, file)); }); }); };
return (acceptLang) => { const _lang = getLANG(acceptLang || defaultLang); if (global.LANG && global.LANG == _lang) { return; } setLang(_lang); }; }());
module.exports = lang;
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| contextMenu() { global.appTray = new Tray(path.join(app.getAppPath(), os.type() === 'Windows_NT' ? `resources/icon_${this.envConf.work_env}.ico` : 'resources/mac_tray.png')); const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate( [ { label: global.lang.public.quit, type: 'normal', click: () => { this.sendToWeb('upload', {action: 'getUploadingTask'}); ipcMainProcess.ipc.once('upload-getUploadingTask', (event, rsp) => { if (rsp.code === 200) {
global.ipcMainWindow.sendToWeb('shell', { action: 'upload-clear' }); .then(() => { global.appTray.destroy(); app.quit(); }).catch(() => { global.ipcMainProcess.notifySend({ body: global.lang.public['data_write_failed_before_quit'] }); }); }; if (rsp.result !== 0) { const buttonId = dialog.showMessageBoxSync(this.windowoptions, { defaultId: 0, buttons: ['No', 'Yes'], type: 'info', title: global.lang.public.tips, message: global.lang.upload.app_quit_tips }); if (buttonId === 1) quitApp(); } else { quitApp(); } } else { global.ipcMainProcess.notifySend({ body: rsp.result }); } }); } } ]);
global.appTray.on('click', ()=>{ this.window.show(); }); global.appTray.setToolTip('RninoDisk'); global.appTray.setContextMenu(menu); }
- 通用的系统命令执行函数(日志输出阻塞版本)
函数衍生 shell,然后在 shell 中执行 command,会在命令执行完成之后将所有信息输出到控制台。
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| const child = require('child_process');
exports.exec = (_command, _params=[], _options={}) => { const params = Array.isArray(_params) ? _params.join(' ') : ''; const options = (String(_params) === '[object Object]') ? _params : (_options); const command = `${_command} ${params}`; console.log(params, options, command);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { child.exec(command, options, (_err, _stdout, _stderr) => { if (_err) { exports.console_log(_err, 'red'); resolve({code: 1, result: _err}); } else if (_stderr && _stderr.toString()) { exports.console_log(_stderr, 'red'); resolve({code: 1, result: _stderr}); } else { console.log(_stdout); resolve({code: 0, result: _stdout}); } }); }); }
- 通用的系统命令执行函数(日志同步输出版本)
函数衍生 shell,然后在 shell 中执行 command,所有控制台日志会同步输出。
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| const child = require('child_process');
exports.execRealtime = (_command, _params=[], _options={}) => { const params = Array.isArray(_params) ? _params.join(' ') : ''; const options = (String(_params) === '[object Object]') ? _params : (_options); const command = `${_command} ${params}`; let data = '', error = ''; console.log(params, options, command);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const result = child.exec(command, options); result.stdout.on('data', (data) => { exports.console_log(data, 'white'); data += `${data}`; });
result.stderr.on('data', (data) => { exports.console_log(data, 'red'); error += `${data}`; });
result.on('close', (code) => { resolve({code, result: data, error}); }); }); }
- 获取空闲盘符和已经挂载盘符
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getSystemDriveLetter() { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.sudo.exec('fsutil fsinfo drives', [], { encoding: 'buffer' }).then((stdout) => { const driverstr = stdout; const driverstrArr = driverstr.split(' ').filter(s => s !== os.EOL).map(s => s.replace('\\', '')); const allDrivers = [ 'C:', 'D:', 'E:', 'F:', 'G:', 'H:', 'I:', 'J:', 'K:', 'L:', 'M:', 'N:', 'O:', 'P:', 'Q:', 'R:', 'S:', 'T:', 'U:', 'V:', 'W:', 'X:', 'Y:', 'Z:' ]; driverstrArr.shift(); resolve({ code: 200, result: { mounted: driverstrArr, available: allDrivers.filter(d => !driverstrArr.includes(d.toLocaleUpperCase())) }, }) }, (err) => { console.error(err); resolve({ code: 600, result: err, }); }); }) }
- 通过UNC命令对远程共享进行挂载
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| _mountSystemDriver_Windows_NT({ host, driver, path, auto = false }) { const pwd = global.ipcMainProcess.userModel.get('last.pwd'); const { isThirdUser, nickname, isLocalUser, username } = global.ipcMainProcess.userModel.info; const commandUseIPC = `net use \\\\${host}\\ipc$ "${pwd}" /user:"${username}"`; const commandMount = `net use ${driver} \\\\${host}\\${path} "${pwd}" /user:"${username}"`; const commandUmount = `net use ${driver} /del /y`;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.getSystemDriveLetter() .then((rsp) => { if (rsp.code === 200) { if (rsp.result.mounted.includes(driver.toLocaleUpperCase())) { throw new Error(global.lang.node.driver_already_mount); } } else { throw new Error(global.lang.node.get_system_mount_info_failed); } }) .then(() => { return this.sudo.exec(commandUseIPC); }) .then(() => { return this.sudo.exec(commandMount); }) .then(() => { return this.update('mountPoint', { username, host, path }, { username, host, path, driver, auto }); }).then((rsp) => { resolve({ code: 200, result: { username, host, driver }, }); }).catch((err) => { console.error(err, err.toString()); resolve({ code: 600, result: global.lang.node.net_mount_failed_reason, }); }); }); }
功能用于持久化文件上传任务记录功能,失败的任务能在历史任务中重新启动。由于smb简单文件上传协议不支持文件分片管理功能,所以前端界面的上传进度获取和上传速度计算均是基于 Node.js 的 FS API实现,整体流程是:使用Windows UNC命令连接后端共享,然后可以像访问本地文件系统一样访问远程一个共享路径,比如\\[host]\[sharename]\file1

- 页面上使用
<Input />
属性指明文件位于系统的绝对路径) - 缓存拿到的FileList,等待点击上传按钮后开始读取FileList列表并生成自定义的File文件对象数组用于存储上传任务列表信息
6)Node.js拿到upload请求后根据携带的任务ID读取内存中的上传任务信息,然后使用第二步打开的文件描述符和分片索引对本地磁盘中的目标文件进行分片切割,最后使用FS API将分片递增写入目标位置
- 初始化一个上传任务
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init({ host, file, abspath, sharename, fragsize, prefix = '' }) { const pre = `\\\\${host}\\${sharename}`; const date = Date.now(); const { pwd, username } = global.ipcMainProcess.userModel.info; const uploadId = getStringMd5(date + file.name + file.type + file.size); let remotePath = ''; let size = 0;
return new Promise((resolve) => { this.uncCommandConnect({ host, username, pwd, sharename }) .then(() => new Promise((reso) => { remotePath = path.join(pre, prefix, file.name); fsPromise.unlink(path.join(pre, prefix, file.name)).then(reso).catch(reso); })) .then((rsp) => { const dirs = getFileDirs([path.join(prefix, file.name)]); return mkdirs(pre, dirs); }) .then((rsp) => { return fileBlock.open(abspath) }) .then((rsp) => { if (rsp.code === 200) { return this._setUploadRecordsInMemory({ username, host, filename: path.join(prefix, file.name), size: file.size, fragsize, sharename, abspath, remotePath, startime: getTime(new Date().getTime()), endtime: '', uploadId, index: 0, total: Math.ceil(size / fragsize), status: 'uploading' }); } else { resolve(rsp); } }).then((rsp) => { resolve({ code: 200, result: { uploadId, size, total: Math.ceil(size / fragsize) } }); }).catch(err => { resolve({ code: 600, result: err.toString() }); }); }); }
- 上传文件
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upload({ uploadId, index }) { const record = this._getUploadRecordsInMemory(uploadId); if (!record) return Promise.resolve({ code: 600, result: lang.upload.readDataFailed }); if (record.status !== 'uploading') return Promise.resolve({ code: 600, result: lang.upload.readDataFailed });
const { host, filename, size, sharename, fragsize, abspath, username } = record; const pwd = global.ipcMainProcess.userModel.info.pwd; const pre = `\\\\${host}\\${sharename}`; const position = fragsize * (index); const slicesize = ((fragsize * (index + 1)) <= size) ? fragsize : (size - fragsize * index);
return new Promise((resolve) => { if (position > size) { resolve({ code: 600, result: lang.upload.upload_index_overflow }); return; } fileBlock.read(abspath, position, slicesize) .then(rsp => { if (rsp.code === 200) { fs.appendFile(path.join(pre, filename), rsp.result, { encoding: 'binary' }, (err) => { if (err) { checkPermission(path.join(pre, filename, '..'), 'ew', (err2, isExit, canWrite) => { if (err2) { resolve({ code: 600, result: global.lang.upload.writeDataFailed }); } else if (isExit && !canWrite) { resolve({ code: 600, result: global.lang.upload.insufficientPermissionUpload }); } else { resolve({ code: 600, result: global.lang.upload.writeDataFailed }); } }); } else { this._updateUploadRecordsInMemory({ index: (index + 1) }, uploadId); resolve({ code: 200, result: { filename, uploadId, index, abspath, sharename } }); } if (!this._getUploadRecordsInMemory(uploadId) || this._getUploadRecordsInMemory(uploadId).status === 'error') { try { console.log('--uploading-unlink', path.join(pre, filename)); fs.unlinkSync(path.join(pre, filename)); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } } }); } else { resolve(rsp); } }) .catch(err => { resolve({ code: 600, result: err.toString() }); }); }) }
- 完成一个文件上传任务
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complete({ uploadId }) { const record = this._getUploadRecordsInMemory(uploadId);
if (!record) return Promise.resolve({ code: 600, result: lang.upload.readDataFailed });
const { abspath } = record; return new Promise(resolve => { this._updateUploadRecordsInMemory({ status: 'break', endtime: getTime(new Date().getTime()) }, uploadId); fileBlock.close(abspath).then(() => { resolve({ code: 200, result: uploadId }); }).catch(err => { resolve({ code: 600, result: err.toString() }); }); }) }
- 文件分片读取管理工厂
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exports.readFileBlock = () => {
const fdStore = {}; const smallFileMap = {};
return { open: (path, size, minSize=1024*2) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { try { if (size <= minSize) { smallFileMap[path] = true; return resolve({ code: 200, result: { fd: null } }); } fs.open(path, 'r', (err, fd) => { if (err) { console.trace(err); resolve({ code: 601, result: err.toString() }); } else { fdStore[path] = fd; resolve({ code: 200, result: { fd: fdStore[path] } }); } }); } catch (err) { console.trace(err); resolve({ code: 600, result: err.toString() }); } }) }, read: (path, position, length) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const callback = (err, data) => { if (err) { resolve({ code: 600, result: err.toString() }); } else { resolve({ code: 200, result: data }); } }; try { if (smallFileMap[path]) { fs.readFile(path, (err, buffer) => { callback(err, buffer); }); } else { if (length === 0) return callback(null, ''); fs.read(fdStore[path], Buffer.alloc(length), 0, length, position, function(err, readByte, readResult){ callback(err, readResult); }); } } catch (err) { console.trace(err); resolve({ code: 600, result: err.toString() }); } }); },
close: (path) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { try { if (smallFileMap[path]) { delete smallFileMap[path]; resolve({ code: 200 }); } else { fs.close(fdStore[path], () => { resolve({code: 200}); delete fdStore[path]; }); } } catch (err) { console.trace(err); resolve({ code: 600, result: err.toString() }); } }); },
windows安装包使用electron nsis配置,注意使用.ico
是nsis打包的详细配置,运行npm run build-win
即可开始win平台的Electron App打包,由于整个打包流程包含web打包和electron打包,使用Node.js编写了通用打包脚本项目build.js、electron build.js对整个流程进行了整合,项目build.js
兼顾web打包以及调用electron build.js
负责Electron App打包,使用node build.js --help
node build.js - -help
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| description: build command for RhinoDisk. command: node build.js [action] [config] | | |______ param: [--help | -h ] => show usage info. |______ param: [build-win ] [--edit | --office] => build package for windows, the default conf file is ./server/config.json. |______ param: [build-linux ] [--edit | --office] => build package for linux, the default conf file is ./server/config.json |______ param: [build-mac ] [--edit | --office] => build package for mac, the default conf file is ./server/config.json |______ param: [build-all ] [--edit | --office] => build package for all platform, the default conf file is ./server/config.json |______ param: [clean-build ] => clean build directory after build | |______ example1: node build.js build-win |______ example2: node build.js build-linux |______ example3: node build.js build-mac |______ example4: node build.js build-all |______ example5: node build.js build-win --edit |______ example6: node build.js build-win --office |______ example7: node build.js --help |______ example8: node build.js clean-build
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| { "name": "RhinoDisk", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "SMB management client", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { ... "build-win": "electron-builder --win", ... }, "devDependencies": { ... }, "dependencies": { ... }, "build": { "productName": "RhinoDisk", "appId": "org.datatom.rhinodisk", "asar": false, "copyright": "CopyRight © 2011-2020 上海德拓信息技术股份有限公司", "directories": { "buildResources": "build", "output": "build" }, "files": [ "package.json", "config.json", "index.js", "dist/", "app/", "node_modules/", "resources/*.*" ], "win": { "icon": "build/iconx256.ico", "target": [ { "target": "zip" }, { "target": "nsis", "arch": [ "x64" ] } ] }, "nsis": { "oneClick": false, "allowElevation": true, "allowToChangeInstallationDirectory": true, "installerIcon": "./build/iconx256.ico", "uninstallerIcon": "./build/iconx256.ico", "installerHeaderIcon": "./build/iconx256.ico", "createDesktopShortcut": true, "createStartMenuShortcut": true, "deleteAppDataOnUninstall": true, "shortcutName": "RhinoDisk" } } }
第一次把Electron技术应用到实际项目中,踩了挺多坑:render进程和主进程通信的问题、跨平台兼容的问题、多平台打包的问题、窗口管理的问题… 总之获得了很多经验,也整理出了一些通用解决方法。